Bleeding Hearts
My Father, find your betrayed childrenAnd hear their silent suffering!They wander the earth with bleeding hearts.Their adulterers cast them aside like rubbishAnd they whore after what’s not theirs.The wives of their youthwalk aimlessly in lonely deserts,And rest in weary caves,Their hearts drip blood like breadcrumbs.Craftily the enemy follows the red trailTo find their hiding places.He…
100 Things I Want to Say to Betrayed Spouses
As you might have already noticed, I enjoy challenging myself to find 100 things to say about a particular topic. But at time of this posting, this list is incomplete. I was originally planning to post this when I finally reach 100, but I’m posting it now with the hope that at least someone out…
The Grass Blade’s Tale
The Grass Blade’s TaleWhile walking over the snow at sunset,I hear small voices at my feet:”Bend down here, and lend us thine ear,For we have a tale to tell.“In winter, we’re coated with morning frost,Then the snow will try to freeze us.Yet under the snow, we patiently waitFor the springtime sun to warm us.”In the…
Book Review: The Great Sex Rescue by Sheila Wray Gregoire, Rebecca Lindenbach, and Joanna Sawatsky
So here’s my first book review! I knew I always wanted to do book reviews on this blog because I love to read and I’m always looking for great resources that will benefit betrayed spouses in some way, shape, or form. My goal is to write at least one book review a month. We’ll see…
A Deeper Dive Into the Day I Broke the iPad
Today I’m going to take you on a deep dive into the day I broke this iPad. This is a really difficult story for me to share. This is my second “D-day” (Disclosure/Discovery day, the day you find out about your spouse’s infidelities or other sexual sin). My first D-day was more of a disclosure…
Every Time You Watch
Here’s a poem I wrote on July 27, 2018: When you feel an urge—A knife to my throat When you reach for your phone—A slit through my neck When you type in your search—A slap on my face When you browse through the options—A punch to the ground When you click on your choice—A kick…
Ok, I’m ready for your comments!
I understand so intimately how important community is for betrayed spouses. For that reason, I’m welcoming your comments! I also know that in betrayal trauma recovery, it’s just as important to set boundaries. So here’s the boundaries I’m setting around comments. Please review and abide by these guidelines before leaving comments: These guidelines, along with…
Feel all the things. It’s okay.
Before writing a new blog post, I always ask myself, “How can I encourage a betrayed spouse today?” I know you guys are out there somewhere, suffering, alone, in silence and darkness and confusion, whether you’re reading these posts or not. But just the possibility that somebody, anybody, even one person, is reading these posts,…
The Emotional Rollercoaster, Part 2
Aaaand here’s list #2. This one really captures the emotional rollercoaster I was on. My thoughts were just all over the place. If you missed list #1, it’s right here. 100 things I need you (my husband) to know
The Emotional Rollercoaster, Part 1
I started this list and the one in the following post in the summer of 2022, when I was in the thick of betrayal grief, and it was one of the few ways I could actually communicate how painful it was to my husband. I shared both of these with him. List #2 is here….