My full betrayal story unfolds in the posts I write throughout this blog. But here’s the TL;DR version:
I have been married to my husband since 2019, been with him since 2015. About a year into our relationship, he confessed his long-term struggles with pornography use. This was Discovery day (aka “D-Day”) number one. After wrestling with shock, bewilderment, anger, despair, and compassion for him in Celebrate Recovery groups and Pure Desire groups, we married in 2019.
Three years later, I found out he was watching porn—again. This was D-Day number two. This was the first relapse I have discovered since we got married, and the one that pushed me to my breaking point. I reacted in a way that even scared myself. I broke his iPad. That was my rock bottom. This is when I decided I need to get back in recovery.
Since then, I have completed a 12-step group in Celebrate Recovery, one Pure Desire group, led one group myself, and read tons of books about betrayal trauma recovery. And I’m telling you, these resources have been a godsend for me! They have helped me get to the place where I am today.
Now I invite you to join me as I continue walking this road to betrayal trauma recovery. This is a road that none of us ever asked to be on, but at least it’s a road we don’t have to walk alone.