Ok, I’m ready for your comments!

I understand so intimately how important community is for betrayed spouses. For that reason, I’m welcoming your comments! I also know that in betrayal trauma recovery, it’s just as important to set boundaries. So here’s the boundaries I’m setting around comments. Please review and abide by these guidelines before leaving comments:

  1. Be kind, considerate, and respectful. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
  2. Think before you post. If you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face, you shouldn’t post it online, either.
  3. If you must disagree, do so respectfully. No bullying, put-downs, or judging others for their views. You don’t have to agree with everything I say or what someone else says (nor should you), but seek to understand why someone thinks a particular way before judging them for it.
  4. Don’t be the grammar police. As well-meaning as your grammar tips might be, they will not contribute to a productive discussion.
  5. No spam, please. Spam is off-topic and doesn’t contribute to the discussion, either.
  6. I will close comments one week after a post is published. Don’t wait too long to put in your two cents!
  7. Any comment that does not follow these guidelines will be deleted without notice.

These guidelines, along with the Privacy Policy, will be in the footer below for your reference at any time.

Thank you!

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